NAIC Accounting VS Tax Codes
I'm still using the NAIC 1.04 and BIVIO to do the year end
clud taxes. Is there any problems with this? Is there any
reason to update to newer vrsion of club accounting for tax
Hi Jim,

I'm certainly not a tax expert (although I know that there have been changes
in the reporting of long and short term capital gains since v.1.04 was
released!), but I do want to say that I moved from this version directly to
Bivio-only, and it's been great. I see no reason to double-pay for
accounting software.

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis
Jim Prescott writes:
> I'm still using the NAIC 1.04 and BIVIO to do the year end
> clud taxes. Is there any problems with this? Is there any
> reason to update to newer vrsion of club accounting for tax
> purposes

No. Our software handles old versions just fine. Fundamentally,
there are two problems: accounting and taxes. If your accounting is
accurate, the tax software should do the rest.

The only reason the NAIC claims you need a software update is that
they want more money from you and they don't want to support an old

And, I aggree with Lynn's answer: you don't need NCA at all. Dump it,
and you'll be much happier. Switch to AccountSync to reduce your data
entry time to a few clicks a month.

bivio is superior to all versions of NAIC software. Compare for
yourself and read the NAIC message boards to see why others think the
same thing.
