When to Sell
When to sell has always been a big problem with our club.
Because we've continued to hold on to some underperforming
stocks, they make our portfolio look pretty bad (average
annual return rate on investments is at -24%). At what point
to we decide to take the loss and move on?
We use 10% from our entry point, O'neil recomend 8%

Susan Owens <> wrote:
When to sell has always been a big problem with our club.
Because we've continued to hold on to some underperforming
stocks, they make our portfolio look pretty bad (average
annual return rate on investments is at -24%). At what point
to we decide to take the loss and move on?

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How would you suggest we handle ours now, which are well
below the 8 or 10% mark. We have one stock that is down as
low as 65%.

Marcos Lainez wrote:
> We use 10% from our entry point, O'neil recomend 8%
> Susan Owens <> wrote:
> When to sell has always been a big problem with our club.
> Because we've continued to hold on to some underperforming
> stocks, they make our portfolio look pretty bad (average
> annual return rate on investments is at -24%). At what point
> to we decide to take the loss and move on?
> Do you Yahoo!?
> The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search
Take a good look at the fundamental, is the conmpany in a good sector? look at the chart we are big believer of technical analisys the charts tells the story, look at the volume on the up and down days, is it bein accumulated or not. average cost works in good companies. If a company is down 65% what make you think is going to go up. That is a big % and it make your portfolio look bad.Susan Owens <> wrote:
How would you suggest we handle ours now, which are well
below the 8 or 10% mark. We have one stock that is down as
low as 65%.

Marcos Lainez wrote:
> We use 10% from our entry point, O'neil recomend 8%
> Susan Owens
> Because we've continued to hold on to some underperforming
> stocks, they make our portfolio look pretty bad (average
> annual return rate on investments is at -24%). At what point
> to we decide to take the loss and move on?
> Do you Yahoo!?
> The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

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I had to present the "when to sell" topic for my club's education segment
last month. On our website, there's a Power Point presentation that you can
download. Go to and click on Education. Scroll
down to the last presentation. It's based on the Toolkit software program
and NAIC philosophy.

I'm rethinking the 4-strike sale rule in the presentation. After trying a
few examples, I'm not sure it fits. But it's definitely good food for
thought. If you don't have Power Point, there's a free viewer from
Microsoft that you can download off our website.

I've got other when-to-sell material, if needed. Just write to me

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club