Calendar & Voting for Bivio Site
Is there much interest out there for making a calendar
available for clubs on this site? Also, how about a way to
tabulate votes?

Both of these were available via NOCA (the IClub site - I
think that was the name) and I think these would be nice and
more importantly, useful features to provide on bivio.

Any thoughts?

Apologies if these are already in the works, but I would
really love to have these functions made available. I know
there are ways around it, but not everyone is savy with


I like the idea of those extras, too. Although, I'd rather have the tax
stuff on time, so I'm sure this will not be a priority for Bivio in the next
few months! <G>

Here are a couple of workarounds, in the meantime. First, when our club
needs to vote on a prospective new member, we do it through email. (We
aren't comfortable with sending someone out of the room.) All the incoming
email messages with headers (including the to/from/date/subject) are copied
into a Word document, printed and stapled to the new member's application.
At the next meeting, the secretary confirms the affirmative majority vote so
that it becomes a part of our official minutes.

Secondly, there's a website called that allows you to
create chat rooms, voting polls, etc. It's really simple to use. You
follow the instruction to create a polling template. When finished, they
provide you with a URL for that polling place. You can save that URL on a
webpage or in a file in your Bivio files section. And it's free.

If your Bivio club is private, no one will ever know your polling address.
Therefore, you could probably use it for voting for stocks. However, if
your club is public, like mine, others have the ability to vote in your
polls! <G> We had to giggle the first time we used the poll. We had 17
responses. But we only had 8 members! We get a lot of visitors on our
site, and it seems they wanted to participate! It's excellent for small
decisions, or for food for thought. You can see ours at Just click on Clubhouse. Feel free to vote, if you
like. It's an old poll.

If a calendar ever becomes available on Bivio, we would not only use it for
meetings, but also to remind stock watchers and presenters when its time for
reviews. I agree it would be a great asset.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
Garbagecop writes:
> Secondly, there's a website called that allows you to
> create chat rooms, voting polls, etc. It's really simple to use. You
> follow the instruction to create a polling template. When finished, they
> provide you with a URL for that polling place. You can save that URL on a
> webpage or in a file in your Bivio files section. And it's free.

This is the crux of our problem. You can get the services for free
not only from network54, but from Yahoo Groups and many others. There
is therefore no economic incentive for us to develop them. Yes, they
are "nice to haves", but would you pay for them? Our value
proposition is simplifying your tax/accounting problem. No one on the
Internet can touch our price and service quality in this space.

Even though our competitor offers these features, their tax software
has, uh, how shall I say, had a number of issues last year. And,
their services are significantly more expensive and less featureful in
many other areas, e.g. the ability to automatically download
transactions, create public club pages/message boards, spam/virus
protection, deep discounts for referring new customers, and ad free.

Please continue to email or this board for features
you like. In one or two weeks, you'll see a new feature which has
been requested frequently. We keep track of the numbers, and we try
to implement the ones which are most popular while maintaining the
high service quality of the features we already have.

Thanks for the input,
Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.
Garbagecop writes:
> One disappointment I have is there are SO many clubs on Bivio doing fun and
> interesting things, yet we just can't seem to get everyone to share them on
> this board. There's a wealth of talent out there! I'm betting that,
> collectively, we could make better use of the tools already available on
> Bivio, as well as free ones from outside, if we could only get these
> discussions going.

Stay tuned. ;-)

> Our value proposition is simplifying your tax/accounting
> problem. No one on the Internet can touch our price
> and service quality in this space.

You are absolutely right, Rob! And I've used all three. I'd much rather
have you keep the price of our services DOWN, than to add nice-to-have
features at a higher price. So keep doing what you're doing. Just keep our
little extras in mind for those days when you have nothing better to do! <G>

If time ever permits (!!) some standard charts would be really cool!

One disappointment I have is there are SO many clubs on Bivio doing fun and
interesting things, yet we just can't seem to get everyone to share them on
this board. There's a wealth of talent out there! I'm betting that,
collectively, we could make better use of the tools already available on
Bivio, as well as free ones from outside, if we could only get these
discussions going.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club