Stocks in foreign markets
Our club will like to buy stocks that are traded in foreign
markets. We've been following the DHL/Airborne merger and
discovered that these companies are not traded on the US
There are some other companies that we have been following

How can we get involved?
Is this a good idea?

Hi Wayne,

You will have a safer investment if you purchase ADRs (American Depository
Receipts) of foreign companies. To be able to sell ADRs on our stock
exchanges, these companies must provide certain accounting standards. It's
not fail-safe, but it's better than trying to deal with foreign exchanges.
There will be more research involved, so be prepared. Learn everything you
can before you invest.

JP Morgan has a website at Click on the ADR Universe tab, and
you can find information on compaines with ADRs.

Also, there was a feature article in Better-Investing magazine about ADRs
last May. Here's the link. If it comes up protected,
write to me privately, and I'll send it to you. If I were you, I'd also
check out this subject on Google or Dogpile or another search engine.
There's plenty of info out there.

Good luck,

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis