Purchase of TSE company (also on Yahoo)
Hello Bivio Club Cafe

Our investment club purchased shares of Northern Orion
Resources, which is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange as
NNO.TO (Yahoo symbol with the share price is reflected in
Canadian Dollars). Note- To get the stock's share price in
US Dollars, the Yahoo symbol of NOOJF.PK can be used.

When I tried to set up the entry in Bivio, neither NNO.TO or
NOOJF.PK was allowed- and I had to set up the purchase as an
Unlisted Stock.

I was under the impression that Bivio uses Yahoo for its
stock price information. (Bivio also provides the handy
Yahoo icon for inquiries of the portfolio).

Did I do something wrong in the setup?


John R Baxa wrote:
> When I tried to set up the entry in Bivio, neither NNO.TO or
> NOOJF.PK was allowed- and I had to set up the purchase as an
> Unlisted Stock.
Both bivio and Yahoo use CSI data for closing prices. Unfortunately we
do not receive quotes for the Toronto Stock Exchange, so you will need
to track the security as an unlisted investment. More information
about unlisted investments can be found in the following help page.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.