club_cafe: Re: Re-establishing withdrawn member
Just curious, but what would happen in the case of a member who had a full withdrawal in January, but then rejoined in October? Will bivio correctly report that there are two separate "histories" (similar to multiple buys and sells of a stock) or would the club have to "modify" the second entry so that it appeared to be a different individual??
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 10/09/03 12:03:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Thomas M Freeman wrote:
> I was wondering if there is a way to re-activate a withdrawn
> member.

Rather than re-activate the withdrawn member, instead enter the
returning member as a new member of the club by selecting the 'add
member(s)' icon on the Club Roster page.

By creating the new member, the performance numbers for that member
will not be skewed by their absence.

Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc. wrote:
> Just curious, but what would happen in the case of a member who had a full withdrawal in January, but then rejoined in October?
The returning member would appear as a totally separate
individual. The disadvantage would be that if they returned in the
same year, our software will generate two K-1s. At tax time, the K-1
amounts would need to be combined by hand, and the "partner count" on
the 1065 would need to be reduced by one.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.