club_cafe: withdrawing member
>>We have a member who is withdrawing and we want to pay her
off in two or three payments. She will be getting cash and
we don't want to sell any of our stocks.
How do I handle this in the withdrawl page, where it asks if
this is a total payment or a partial payment. Will she not
be totally withdrawn until we give her all the money or can
we divide this up somehow?

First, I would recommend paying her off as quickly as possible. It isn't fair to your departing partner, nor is it fair to your club. If you don't have sufficient cash, you should consider transferring shares of stock which have appreciated. This is generally better for both the club and the withdrawing member as each can defer any capital gains until they are ready to realize them. Of course, your partnership agreement must allow you to transfer shares.

If you follow your plan, what you actually will be entering is a series of partial withdrawals. If the final payoff is made in 2003, you can do the following... enter the full withdrawal, but "pay" it from the suspense account. This will establish the amount you owe the withdrawing partner as well as keeping the amount your club shows in its bank/broker account matching that reported by the bank/broker. As you make each payment, enter a cash transfer from your bank/broker account to the suspense account. When you make the last payment, the suspense account will equal $0. If you do this, the final payment MUST be made in 2003 otherwise the tax reporting will be wrong. Your member isn't officially withdrawn from the club until the last payment is made.

Ira Smilovitz
Hi Ira and Ion,

Your replies elicit quite a few questions in my mind that I would like
to kick around.

Ira said.....
Of course, your partnership agreement must allow you to transfer shares.
Are you saying that if your agreement is mute on the issue, you are
precluded from using shares for the payoffs? I am not convinced that
this is the case.

The IRS says that the member is a partner until the account is fully
paid off. It would seem to me that if you plan to withdraw the partner
fully from the suspense account, you would have to make provision in
your agreement to say that, although the member still has a balance
outstanding, he/she will not share in any income, expenses, gains, or
losses after the transaction date of the withdrawal.

I am not sure about Ion's solution of considering that the partner has
been fully withdrawn and then made an interest free loan back to the
club. There are numerous cases on the books where expense deductions
have been disallowed to a cash basis taxpayer who accrues a liability on
the books, or even sets up a note. On the other hand, if there is a
paper trail of paying off the liability and then receiving a
reimbursement back in the form of loan, it probably would be allowed.

I am certainly in agreement with Ira that it would be best to avoid a
delay in paying off the member. As Ira said, you could use stock for the
payout. Keeping the member on without paying interest or sharing in the
income of the club, seems unfair. Again, the partnership agreement
should spell out exactly what the options are.

I realize that this post is not helpful to the person raising the
question, but I think there are some factors involved that need
