Importing XML files
Club officers can save their complete club information to
disk as an XML document (XML is an Internet standard for
exchanging data that has been adopted by most companies in
the financial industry).

Until now, you had to email customer support the XML
document and request that we upload it back for you. We are
now allowing you to do this yourself, via a new XML import

You'll find the XML import and export features in
Administration->Tools. Here is a shortcut:

> Until now, you had to email customer support the XML
> document and request that we upload it back for you. We are
> now allowing you to do this yourself, via a new XML import
> feature.

That's wonderful!

That reminds me of another thing about the XML file that I
asked about last year. Can you produce the XML data in such
a way that it imports into Microsoft Access in a useful way?
For example, the "instrument_valuation" table created by
importing this into Access has no field to link those
records to the associated stock records in the "instrument"

-Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas writes:
> That's wonderful!

Glad we could provide you with the useful feature.

> That reminds me of another thing about the XML file that I
> asked about last year. Can you produce the XML data in such
> a way that it imports into Microsoft Access in a useful way?
> For example, the "instrument_valuation" table created by
> importing this into Access has no field to link those
> records to the associated stock records in the "instrument"
> table.

We took a few steps in this direction, and got distracted. :-) You
know how programmers are. Right now, we've got a lot on our plate,
but we'll try to push it up the stack soon.

Sorry for the delay.
