members withdrawal
Our club is still keeping their original bookkeeping system
and I try to keep the Bivio up with our system. But I have
trouble when a member withdraws. I enter the total
withdrawal and the fee, but it never matches our
I do these figures in manually. do you have any idea what I
might be doing wrong? Esther Baker
Esther Baker wrote:
> I enter the total withdrawal and the fee, but it never matches our
> bookkeeping.
It is common for withdrawals to not be calculated exactly the same
between two sets of books. You can use the withdrawal fee to adjust
the member value to the amount paid.
For example, if a member was paid $150, but the accounting software
determines their value to be $145, then record a $5 fee to balance
the withdrawal. You can also use a negative fee to increase the payout
Paul Moeller
bivio Inc.
Esther Baker wrote:
> Our club is still keeping their original bookkeeping system
> and I try to keep the Bivio up with our system. But I have
> trouble when a member withdraws. I enter the total
> withdrawal and the fee, but it never matches our
> bookkeeping.
> I do these figures in manually. do you have any idea what I
> might be doing wrong? Esther Baker
 Ester: I'm new to Bivio and have the same problem. Have you
 located the problem. It;s nice when the books match
Noah J. Ronquillo writes:
> Esther Baker wrote:
> > Our club is still keeping their original bookkeeping system
> > and I try to keep the Bivio up with our system. But I have
> > trouble when a member withdraws. I enter the total
> > withdrawal and the fee, but it never matches our
> > bookkeeping.
> > I do these figures in manually. do you have any idea what I
> > might be doing wrong? Esther Baker
> Ester: I'm new to Bivio and have the same problem. Have you
> located the problem. It;s nice when the books match

It's difficult to know what the issue here is without having all the
data. However, in the past we've seen withdrawal issues crop up
around the Paid In versus Market Value. To get a correct amount, you
have to use the Market Value of the member, not the Paid In amount.
Another issue may be that not all the expenses or other relevant
transactions have been recorded before calculating a member's value in
the club.

As always, we are here to help you resolve these issues. Please email, and we'll work through the numbers with you.
There's always a logical explanation, and I can't think of a case
where we couldn't figure it out.
