Valuation Date
Can the valuation date for converting member payments into
club units be changed? In other words, If we have
established a valuation date for our club as the first of
the month; can we change this and make the valuation date
the day the transaction is made?
Donald Bordelon writes:
> Can the valuation date for converting member payments into
> club units be changed? In other words, If we have
> established a valuation date for our club as the first of
> the month; can we change this and make the valuation date
> the day the transaction is made?

Yes, and we highly recommend this as it simplifies your accouting.
The idea of fixed valuation dates harks back to the days of hand
computing valuations. bivio automatically computes valuations, so the
best date is the transaction date.

That being said, make sure you get everybody in your club to agree to
the change, and depending on your partnership agreement, you may need
to change it in your bylaws or partnership agreement.
