club_cafe: Re: Due Collection
Right. And if the payment never arrives, the member has a smaller piece of a (hopefully) successful venture.

Ira Smilovitz

In a message dated 05/19/03 6:27:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Elizabeth raises some excellent points.  If late fees are assessed, ask
yourselves why they are needed.  As Elizabeth notes, a late payment
deposited at a later date just purchases units at some other value that
may be more or less than the units would have purchased with a timely
payment.  So, what's the big deal.  As treasurer, and the one who's
expected (why is it I who's got the role?) to play cop, I find late
payments not worth the hassle of tracking and following through on. 
Without a late fee, tardy members will just get their deposits credited
to their account with the next month's deposit.

John Munn
Cross Country Investment Club
Capitol Investors

Elizabeth Sorbet wrote:

>he accounting takes care of payments vs time
>paid.  ...cut...
>I just think a lot goes into making a club successful, not
>the least of which is people management.

I agree that treasurers (or any other officer) shouldn't have to play cop to track down member payments, nor do late fees even work.  But I don't believe the Bob's $10 fee is too harsh.  In fact, Bob, I think you should make it "double the dues."  If you're going to have one at all, it should be a "deterent".  In my old club, I had a member tell me he would gladly pay an extra $5 per month in late fees if it meant he didn't have to get any grief from me for being late! 
Investment clubs are a business, not a social gathering. And the whole success or failure of the club revolves around regularly investing in the market--which is a little hard to do when people don't pay regularly.  If that's the case, I'd say skip the hassle and the tax ramifications, close the club and play Bunco instead!  (I do both!)
Bob, by establishing a late fee right up front, you are sending a message that says it's acceptable to be late.  I wouldn't advise that.  In our by laws, it states that any member who is 61 days with dues is automatically withdrawn...and we don't have any problems.
Lynn Ostrem
...stuff deleted, then

> to have one at all, it should be a "deterent".  In my old club, I had a
> member tell me he would gladly pay an extra $5 per month in late fees if it
> meant he didn't have to get any grief from me for being late! 
> Investment clubs are a business, not a
> social gathering. And the whole success or failure of the club
> revolves around regularly investing in the market--which is a little hard to do
> when people don't pay regularly. 

then, more stuff deleted.

Well, I guess I have to ask, what happened to the "old"
club? <] :-)

Seriously, I understand going into a club looking at it like
a business, *if* everyone has the same understanding. We
went into it to learn something, to share something, and to
make a profit, in any particular order on any given day. We
genuinely like each other, and life goes on. Everyone can
have a bad month (or 4). What if a member is laid off
(happened to us)? Or has a new baby? Has heart surgery
(happened)? Is getting married (happened)? Do you really
want to drop him or her (and the associated investment
dollars) because s/he can't pay at any particular meeting?

Why have to continually wrangle over "late" dues, and if
this is a "bona fide" emergency, or if that wasn't, etc.,
etc., etc. And, don't forget modifying the by-laws or
operating procedures for all those exceptions. All that
stuff just leads to bad feelings and the possible collapse
of a club.

Relax, have fun, and make money. Hey, we are up almost 13%
this year as I write this, and we just told someone else
they could slide for 4 months!.

> Well, I guess I have to ask, what happened to the "old"
> club?

I moved. They lasted 5 more months before disbanding. A perfect example of
why you don't want one or two doing all the work. <G>

> Why have to continually wrangle over "late" dues, and if
> this is a "bona fide" emergency...And, don't forget modifying the by-laws
> operating procedures for all those exceptions.

Agreed. No late fees means no wrangling. We don't have them. And bonafide
emergencies should be the exception, not the rule. As long as the club
works as a social outlet, that's great! All clubs are different.

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis