Club Accounting - Complete Access
Our club OINC (Oceanic INvestment Club) in Australia, joined
the above [subject line] in March last year. As yet we have
not had a registration renewel notice. Do we get one? Or do
we just have to go through registration again.
Have to know soon as we're scared our club's account will
close down on us and all our members are very impressed with
Thank you.

Tekko Roos
Tekko Roos writes:
> Our club OINC (Oceanic INvestment Club) in Australia, joined
> the above [subject line] in March last year. As yet we have
> not had a registration renewel notice. Do we get one? Or do
> we just have to go through registration again.
> Have to know soon as we're scared our club's account will
> close down on us and all our members are very impressed with
> it.

Your subscription is still current. When you sign up, you get three
months free. When you pay, you get an additional 12 months. 15
months from last March is June. To see your current status, go to
Administration > Subscription.

You should have received one renewal notice via email to your club
officers only. If you didn't, you might want to check your email
address in your Administration > Roster page, or, perhaps, your email
program or service might be blocking bulk email.

For issues like this, it's always better to email,
because we can give you specific details about your account.

Thanks very much Rob for your email. Eased my mind tremendously.

Tekko Roos

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Nagler" <>
To: "The Club Cafe" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: club_cafe: Club Accounting - Complete Access

> Tekko Roos writes:
> > Our club OINC (Oceanic INvestment Club) in Australia, joined
> > the above [subject line] in March last year. As yet we have
> > not had a registration renewel notice. Do we get one? Or do
> > we just have to go through registration again.
> > Have to know soon as we're scared our club's account will
> > close down on us and all our members are very impressed with
> > it.
> Your subscription is still current. When you sign up, you get three
> months free. When you pay, you get an additional 12 months. 15
> months from last March is June. To see your current status, go to
> Administration > Subscription.
> You should have received one renewal notice via email to your club
> officers only. If you didn't, you might want to check your email
> address in your Administration > Roster page, or, perhaps, your email
> program or service might be blocking bulk email.
> For issues like this, it's always better to email,
> because we can give you specific details about your account.
> Cheers,
> Rob