club_cafe: RE: Due Collection
Our club is also run like a business. The last time I looked all businesses
offered sick time, vacation time, bereavement time, maternity leave- and may
also require frequent travel on short notice to far away places.

Our club handles late and missing payments nearly every month. One person is
in charge of making sure all payments are collected by the night of the
meeting. If someone is out of town or handling family issues a follow up
call is made within 24 hours after the meeting. Any late members have to
put up with some good natured ribbing at the next meeting.

Perfect attendance would be nice - but it may not always be practical.


-----Original Message-----
From: Garbagecop []
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 8:45 PM
To: The Club Cafe
Subject: Re: club_cafe: RE: Due Collection

> > I am the Treasurer for my Investment Club and I was
> > wondering how other groups are collecting their monthly
> > dues. Currently, I am having each memeber mail me the check
> > and I consolidate them to send into our broker. It's a
> > total pain and I'm often hounding people to get their dues
> > in on time.

I'm a little late on this one, but...

Our club is comprised of 9 capable adults. All were made aware when they
joined the club that part of their responsibility was to attend a vast
majority of the meetings, show up on time, and have their checks in the
treasurer's possession at or before each meeting. Anything less is

We don't have a problem. Nor would I ever consider late fees or anything
else short of expulsion. You shouldn't either. The word "club" is
misleading. It conjures up a social image when, in all reality, clubs
should be run like businesses. If you don't condone the behavior, it will

Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club