AccountSync and Member Withdrawals
We had two members withdraw from our club as of 1/01/03. We
issued checks to each of them in late January and went
through the "member withdrawal" procedure at bivio at that
time, making the withdrawals effective 1/01/03. Now we have
rec'd "identify debit" notices from accountsync for each of
those checks (which cleared Etrade in February) and our
account appears to be in the negative (which it really isn't
-- it's just that those two checks totalling in excess of
$2200 appear twice in our bivio account - once we we
withdrew the members on 1/01/03 and a second time when the
checks cleared Etrade). This has confused me and I can't
find any previous questions specifically addressing this.
Should we delete the withdrawals we did effective 1/01/03
and redo them in order to identify these debits? If this is
explained somewhere on bivio's website (using explanations
that could be classified as "Transactions for Dummies")
please direct me there. Thanks for your help! Sherry
Sherry Culbertson writes:
> Should we delete the withdrawals we did effective 1/01/03
> and redo them in order to identify these debits? If this is
> explained somewhere on bivio's website (using explanations
> that could be classified as "Transactions for Dummies")
> please direct me there. Thanks for your help! Sherry

Please see the Club Cafe message:

If this isn't clear, send a message to, and we'll
walk you through the details of your particular transaction.
