Tax prep for new club
I have completed the 1065 and K-1 for our new club started
in Jan 02. The only thing we have to report is $3 each in
dividends. No sales were made.

Our club partnership is registered in the state of Michigan,
but our partners are in OHIO, Michigan and Colorado. Do I
need to file any kind of returns for each of these states?

I'm not positive, but I believe the answer is no for
Colorado and yes for Michigan. I'm not sure on Ohio. A
good source would be ot call the respective state's
department of revenue they should be able to help you out.

Nancy Howe Jones wrote:
> I have completed the 1065 and K-1 for our new club started
> in Jan 02. The only thing we have to report is $3 each in
> dividends. No sales were made.
> Our club partnership is registered in the state of Michigan,
> but our partners are in OHIO, Michigan and Colorado. Do I
> need to file any kind of returns for each of these states?
> Thanks!
> Nancy
> Our club partnership is registered in the state of Michigan,
> but our partners are in OHIO, Michigan and Colorado. Do I
> need to file any kind of returns for each of these states?

I do not know about Ohio. You do not have to file for Colorado. I
disagree with the advice given that you must file in Michigan. That
state has a Single Business Tax [STB], but you are exempt from that
because you are not engaged in a business.

Thanks for the correction, I was lazy and just assumed since
they were registered in Michigan they'd need to file. Now I
agree they don't need to file in Michigan.

Rip West wrote:
> > Our club partnership is registered in the state of Michigan,
> > but our partners are in OHIO, Michigan and Colorado. Do I
> > need to file any kind of returns for each of these states?
> I do not know about Ohio. You do not have to file for Colorado. I
> disagree with the advice given that you must file in Michigan. That
> state has a Single Business Tax [STB], but you are exempt from that
> because you are not engaged in a business.
> Rip