Nontaxable distribution?
My club holds a Canadian oil royalty stock that pays out
monthly dividends. 2002 was the first year I had to report
on its payouts. I have Bivio cover the Ordinary Dividend
and Foreign Tax Paid and Return of Capital. Upon reviewing
the 2002 DIV-1099 electronic form, I see in Box #3
Nontaxable Distribution of $135.02. At closer look, I find
the breakdown to be; $72.73 for Return of Capital and $62.39
for Principal PayDown. I do not see how Bivio would handle
the Principal PayDown and how should I treat this against
the cost basis of the stock within Bivio?

Mark Hansen
OK...let's look at the problem harder. i suspect that Bivio
appears not programmed to handle this complex level of
handling the monthly dividend distribution from a Canadian
gas & oil royalty stock that trades over the NYSE.

Let's use the month of December as an case example, I think
one Bivio income transaction should handle this:
Gross dividend - $20.41
Less Foreign Tax Paid - $3.06
Net dividend reinvest - 17.35
Input number of shares - xxx

But I still need to report somewhere the Return on Capital
as a subset of the gross dividend, which in this case is
$5.64. It should not effect the cash balance in the
account. See?

This is why my year total on Return on Capital is way off as
I have no way to report it correctly. What I have been
doing all year long was to enter for each distribution, two
separate income transactions; first one is dividend with the
net dividend amt. of $17.35 and input the number of shares.
On second dividend transaction, just one data entry for the
amount for foreign tax and nothing else there.

Mark Hansen