NCA v1.04 and Bivio
Will I run into any problems if I continue to use NAIC Club
Accounting v1.04 to do data entry
into 2003 and then upload this data to bivio to do reports?
If that's OK, is there some reason
I can't continue doing this basically forever?

I understand that it would be important that I *not* use the
"Distribute" option from NCA's
Utilities menu (and that with bivio the old concept of
making an end-of-year distribution of
units is gone anyway).

I also understand that tax related reports from NCA won't
conform to current tax law (so I
would get those from bivio). However, it seems to me that
NCA's other (not tax reports
related), such as the Valuation Statement and Member's
Status Report would still be accurate.

Am I missing something?
-Jim Thomas