Stocks/Industry Groups
Our club wants to focus on one sector or industry group each
month and have each member research stocks in that group.
Depending on what site you look at, most people put stocks
in 10 or 12 sectors and a 100+ groups. We want to expand
our views more than the 10 sectors but less than the 100+
groups. Can you recommend a site that puts stocks in 20 or
25 groups/sectors as opposed to 10 or 100? Thanks

Our club is doing the same thing. We've been experimenting with an
industry-study template. I, too, have been frustrated by all the different
industry and sub-industry groupings.

There are two sources we're deciding between. One is the Value Line
breakdown, which just came out last February. It seems to be simpler than
most. The other is the S&P Compustat breakdown. Our NAIC club uses the S&P
datafiles for our SSGs, so it's a little more convenient. Sorry to say,
neither one of them have only 20-25 industries. I'm pretty sure you won't
find that.

I think the key is to simply choose one and stick with it--and it helps if
you use the source of your study information. For example, if your club
uses Value Line data, it might be easier to pick industries based on their
breakdown. I have a copy of that if you are interested. Just write to me

Again for us, we will probably settle on S&P because we are using the data
files, but we're also the S&P Industry Surveys as the basis of our industry

We had the same confusion over choosing a source for competitors. We
finally just chose two sources and called it a day. Good luck with this.
I wish you would keep the board apprised of your progress. We are all
interested in your progress!

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis

Crow River Investment Club
Here is a list that was part of an article covering the
outlook of different sectors. It is by no means
comprehensive, but does come in around your 20-25 number
range. It was part of an article on, a
subscription site, otherwise I'd paste a link to the

Aerospace and Defense
Beverages and Food Products
Commercial Banks
Computers and Peripherals
Consumer Nondurables
Energy Equipment & Services
HMOs and Hospitals
Integrated Oil
Internet, Software Services
Investment Bankers and Brokers
Multiline Retail
Precious Metals
Semis, Semi Equipment
Telecom Equipment
Tobacco and Alcohol
Wireless Communications

Brian Holmlund wrote:
> Our club wants to focus on one sector or industry group each
> month and have each member research stocks in that group.
> Depending on what site you look at, most people put stocks
> in 10 or 12 sectors and a 100+ groups. We want to expand
> our views more than the 10 sectors but less than the 100+
> groups. Can you recommend a site that puts stocks in 20 or
> 25 groups/sectors as opposed to 10 or 100? Thanks

Garrett Call wrote:
> Here is a list that was part of an article covering the
> outlook of different sectors. It is by no means
> comprehensive, but does come in around your 20-25 number
> range. It was part of an article on, a
> subscription site, otherwise I'd paste a link to the
> article.
> Aerospace and Defense
> Airlines
> Automobiles
> Beverages and Food Products
> Biotechnology
> Commercial Banks
> Computers and Peripherals
> Consumer Nondurables
> Energy Equipment & Services
> HMOs and Hospitals
> Homebuilding
> Insurance
> Integrated Oil
> Internet, Software Services
> Investment Bankers and Brokers
> Media
> Multiline Retail
> Pharmaceuticals
> Precious Metals
> Semis, Semi Equipment
> Telecom Equipment
> Tobacco and Alcohol
> Utilities
> Wireless Communications
> Brian Holmlund wrote:
> > Our club wants to focus on one sector or industry group each
> > month and have each member research stocks in that group.
> > Depending on what site you look at, most people put stocks
> > in 10 or 12 sectors and a 100+ groups. We want to expand
> > our views more than the 10 sectors but less than the 100+
> > groups. Can you recommend a site that puts stocks in 20 or
> > 25 groups/sectors as opposed to 10 or 100? Thanks