Withdrawl Date Error for Member
I am needing some assistance in correcting the date of a
member's withdrawl from the club. We didn't go online with
Bivio until earlier this year so when we put in some of the
information from the beginning of the club one of the
members who withdrew in 2001 was listed as withdrawing in
2002 (typo on our part). I found this only because she came
up as needing a tax form for the year 2002. Can anyone tell
me how to go in and edit the transaction that was posted or
do I have to go in and delete it completely and then reinput
it with the corrected date?
Patricia A Funke wrote:
> Can anyone tell
> me how to go in and edit the transaction that was posted or
> do I have to go in and delete it completely and then reinput
> it with the corrected date?
To change a withdrawal, you will need to delete the entry and then
reenter it.
Paul Moeller
bivio Inc.