Withdrawing Members and Withdrawal Reports
This is our club's first member withdrawal since signing up
with Bivio. (We have used NAIC Club Accounting since our
club's inception in 1996.) In the past when we had a member
withdraw, there was a "withdrawal report" that I could
generate, print and send to the member with their full
distribution check that showed their gain or loss, etc. I
cannot find such a report at Bivio. I am sure I'm gonna get
some questions from at least one of these two withdrawing
members about her gain/loss. The withdrawal valuation date
is 12/31/02 and the withdrawal is effective 1/01/03 so I
understand they will get K-1s next year, but where is the
report at the time of withdrawal to provide all the
information? Thanks.
Sherry Culbertson, Financial Partner
STARS Investment Club