club_cafe: New Member

We had some legal help in drawing up our partnership agreement. We have it in
two sections with the membership roster being an addendum to the partnership
agreement. The agreement itself speaks to the framework of the club including
the procedures for participation, dues, entry and exit requirements and so
forth. That piece has never been changed ( due to luck or skill I don't know),
and when a new member enters or retires then the addendum certificate need only
be updated.

Have a great day


"Garbagecop" <> on 11/02/2002 01:28:34 AM

Please respond to "The Club Cafe" <>
  To: "The Club Cafe" <>
  cc: (bcc: Juan Mostek/BattleCreek/USA/Kellogg)
  Subject Re: club_cafe: New Member


A lot depends on your state. Here in Minnesota, most of us register our
clubs under an Assumed Name certificate (as a general partnership). If we
add, delete or change members, or anything else in our partnership
agreement, we're supposed to submit an amended version, pay the fees again,
resubmit it to the newspaper--Ugh! Most of us simply add an addendum to the
original agreement and be done with it!

And when members go, we simply draw a line through their name and write the
date their resignation was accepted. Our minutes are the official record of
their departure.

Hope that helps.

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis