Is this legal and allowed?
I'm curious as to what stocks have been stellar performers
for individual clubs.

I don't notice many "Wow, this is a great investment for
us", or "I bought this lipstick festooned pig" exchanges on
this board. Can we exchange that type of information?

Hi Elizabeth,

I think that anything pertaining to investment clubs would be fair game on
this board. In fact, it would really be nice to see more exchanges. I made
a similar post here a couple of months ago suggesting that, since we all had
"File Sections", why not start exchanging club stock reports!? No one

It seems like such a waste to do all that work, just to present a report to
a few club members. Since stock reports are time-sensitive, it would
benefit a lot of clubs if we could share them with each other, using Bivio
as our hub.

Our club uploads all our reports and SSGs to a folder in our files section
called "Reports & SSGs". It's located at You
can tell by the upload-date whether or not it's a recent contribution.

Sharing reports might be a good way to get some stock discussions started on
this board. Just my 2 cents!

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis