Bivio Made Kiplingers
Hey Rob, congratulations on making it into Kiplinger's
December issue. You're on Page 20. I received my
complimentary copy today, even though they didn't use any of
my interview.

Crank up that page counter! There was a nice plug for the
"Bivio most held stocks!" It would be interesting to know
how much traffic that article will generate. It's a very
popular magazine.

Lynn Ostrem
Lynn Ostrem writes:
> Hey Rob, congratulations on making it into Kiplinger's
> December issue. You're on Page 20. I received my
> complimentary copy today, even though they didn't use any of
> my interview.

Thanks. It's nice to get the PR. I'm sure the folks at Kiplinger's
will contact you again should they do another article. They seem
genuinely interested in finding out what makes an investment club work.


P.S. Our club counter just hit 8,888. That's a fun number. I wonder
     if we'll make 9,000 by the end of the year.