Foreign Taxes
Hello All !!

Why is it, when foreign tax is withheld from a dividend the
amount is not subtracted from the account? I have to
manually subract it from the account to make the account
balance. Putting the amount in the Investment Income screen
doesnt seem to work. I am sure I am doing something
Mike Profitt wrote:
> Why is it, when foreign tax is withheld from a dividend the amount is not subtracted from the account?
When you enter a dividend which has had foreign taxes withheld, enter
the actual amount deposited into your account (after foreign taxes) in
the amount field. Place the amount withheld from the deposit in the
foreign tax field.
If the brokerage statement indicates that foreign taxes were withheld,
but does not tie that value to a dividend, then leave the amount field
blank, and enter the withholding in the foreign taxes field.
Paul Moeller
bivio Inc.