bivio Message Boards Block Viruses
We released a new feature, which throws away email messages which
contain executable attachments. We noticed an increase in infected
PCs send messages to their clubs which contain viruses.

By default, executable attachments are blocked. This prevents the
spread of viruses.

Very few users send executable attachments. However, if you would
like to exchange executable files, we recommend using your files
area. Alternatively, officers can unblock executable attachments by
going to Administration > Tools > Edit Club Configuration.

Please note that bivio runs Linux on our servers. If you received an
e-mail via your club's bivio e-mail address which contains a virus, it
was sent by one of your club members, not bivio. For all intents and
purposes, bivio is virus proof.

This feature prevents the spread of viruses. It is not a substitute
for virus protection on your computers. Your computer should use one
of the many high-quality antivirus software packages and subscribe to
their update service. Two popular packages are:

Thank you for using bivio,
Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.