Moving Shares Around
This question is to anyone that can help.

Our group is presently working to move our shares of INTC
stock from the holding company (Computershare) to our broker
(BuyandHold), because we believe it's no longer DRiP
friendly. But I'm wondering what happens to the cost base
when the transfer is complete? Does it move to the market
value at which the broker received it? If so, is there a way
to make this adjustment in Bivio? This seems to be the case,
just like paying someone (a member) out in/with stock. The
cost base moves to there value.

Thanks in advance

There is no adjustment made when you move shares from one
broker to another. Although many full service brokers will
keep track of cost basis for you, there is no requirement
that they do so. That is your responsibility. For those
brokers that do, you have to tell them what the basis and
holding period is for shares you transfer in.

Hope this helps.

Ira Smilovitz

Brian Lancaster wrote:
> This question is to anyone that can help.
> Our group is presently working to move our shares of INTC
> stock from the holding company (Computershare) to our broker
> (BuyandHold), because we believe it's no longer DRiP
> friendly. But I'm wondering what happens to the cost base
> when the transfer is complete? Does it move to the market
> value at which the broker received it? If so, is there a way
> to make this adjustment in Bivio? This seems to be the case,
> just like paying someone (a member) out in/with stock. The
> cost base moves to there value.
> Thanks in advance