Do you know if there are any programs out there akin to the
NAIC's SSG (Strategic Stock Guide)? Our club has been using
this for some time and probably need to upgrade but we're
not too happy with it right now and would like to look at
Jean Leeson wrote:
> ...not too happy with it right now and would like to look at
> alternatives.

Hi Jean,

I found this very strange. Are you unhappy with the program
or the concept? The program is stupid-simple to learn and
the latest version (Toolkit 4 Pro) has fabulous
improvements. It was well worth the money, in my opinion.

If it's the concept that makes you unhappy, you need to do
some serious rethinking. It's been a tough two years for
all of us, and if you settled upon a good solid growth
strategy originally, now isn't the time to waiver! It's
time to be looking for those really good quality stocks on
sale. And the new Toolkit with Investware's inexpensive
datafiles is an excellent way to accomplish that.

Good luck to you,
Thanks for your response, Lynn. I will do some
rethinking and talk it over with club members.

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