Preparing for the Motley Fool Infux
Morning everybody,

By now, I'm sure Bivio and many clubbers have heard
yesterday's news that the Fool will begin charging an entry
fee for the discussion boards on February 14th. The Bivio,
Investment Club, and NAIC Stock Selection boards all receive
their fair share of traffic from club members. Obviously,
many of us spend our time at the I-Club-List board, but we
supplement our thirst for information at the Fool.

So, I'm wondering what you Bivio Brains are thinking up to
draw some of those eyeballs to this website in the coming

May I make a couple of suggestions? First, the articles on
the home page could be refreshed a little more often. I'm
sure that many of us in this community would be happy to do
a little volunteer writing. Maybe a contest is in order?
Everyone could send in an interesting piece and someone
could win a free year's subscription for the best entry.
Then the staff should have several months' worth of articles
to post!

Finally, is it possible to color code the Club Cafe messages
so I don't have to figure out from one visit to the next
which messages I've read and which ones I've missed?? The
easier it is to decipher this board, the more of these
floundering Fools we'll capture and keep.

I'd like to make Club Cafe a regular stop, and I plan to
share that on the Fool boards. Any comments from

Lynn Ostrem
How difficult would it be to give each club their own "discussion board"? Perhaps we could pay a bit more. I'm not that interested in losing TMF boards. I can always go to or other such places. However, our club has its own board that we use for discussions (trying to keep e-mail under control).
Lynn Ostrem wrote:
> Morning everybody,
> By now, I'm sure Bivio and many clubbers have heard
> yesterday's news that the Fool will begin charging an entry
> fee for the discussion boards on February 14th. The Bivio,
> Investment Club, and NAIC Stock Selection boards all receive
> their fair share of traffic from club members. Obviously,
> many of us spend our time at the I-Club-List board, but we
> supplement our thirst for information at the Fool.
> So, I'm wondering what you Bivio Brains are thinking up to
> draw some of those eyeballs to this website in the coming
> weeks.
> May I make a couple of suggestions? First, the articles on
> the home page could be refreshed a little more often. I'm
> sure that many of us in this community would be happy to do
> a little volunteer writing. Maybe a contest is in order?
> Everyone could send in an interesting piece and someone
> could win a free year's subscription for the best entry.
> Then the staff should have several months' worth of articles
> to post!
> Finally, is it possible to color code the Club Cafe messages
> so I don't have to figure out from one visit to the next
> which messages I've read and which ones I've missed?? The
> easier it is to decipher this board, the more of these
> floundering Fools we'll capture and keep.
> I'd like to make Club Cafe a regular stop, and I plan to
> share that on the Fool boards. Any comments from
> management??
> Lynn Ostrem
> How difficult would it be to give each club their own "discussion
> board"?

This one is very easy. Your club already has a board. You can send
email to or post via your communications area.

If you don't know your club ID, please visit the following page:

We also have a help page on how your message board works:

Michael G. Walter wrote:
> How difficult would it be to give each club their own "discussion board"?

Hi Michael! How are you? You already have a message board!
Our club uses the "email to all" option, which allows any
message that comes through our Bivio board to filter to the
membres' personal email inboxes. Replying to these messages
sends it back through the Bivio board and, again, on to
everyone else.

With Outlook Express, you can create a message rule that
will allow you to set up a separate inbox on your personal
computer for your club's messages (if you really think
there'll be that many!).

I can post those instructions if you or anybody are

Lynn Ostrem writes:
> So, I'm wondering what you Bivio Brains are thinking up to
> draw some of those eyeballs to this website in the coming
> weeks.

We're cooking something up right now.

> First, the articles on the home page could be refreshed a little
> more often. I'm sure that many of us in this community would be
> happy to do a little volunteer writing.

It looks like we have our first volunteer. :-) As always, this board
is provided by bivio for your use.

> I'd like to make Club Cafe a regular stop, and I plan to
> share that on the Fool boards.

All of us at bivio appreciate your enthusiasm, and we will do our best
to make this a reality.
