Purging the Mail folder
is there anyway to purge several pages of old mail at once?
I'd rather not have to go through and delete each message.
John Medio writes:
> is there anyway to purge several pages of old mail at once?
> I'd rather not have to go through and delete each message.

Yes, but are you sure you want to do this? The message board is
shared with all your club members.

You can delete multiple messages by clicking on the delete check box
and then clicking the delete button. This is the same way you delete
transactions. See our help topic:

that's what i wanted to avoid, checking each box. i'm
wondering if we can delete pages at a time.

Rob Nagler wrote:
> John Medio writes:
> > is there anyway to purge several pages of old mail at once?
> > I'd rather not have to go through and delete each message.
> Yes, but are you sure you want to do this? The message board is
> shared with all your club members.
> You can delete multiple messages by clicking on the delete check box
> and then clicking the delete button. This is the same way you delete
> transactions. See our help topic:
> Cheers,
> Rob
John Medio writes:
> that's what i wanted to avoid, checking each box. i'm
> wondering if we can delete pages at a time.

Sorry, no. It is not a feature we are likely to add. If you change
your page size, it may make it easier to delete.
