account_sync transaction date
We repaid a member of club who paid the bivio fee with his
credit card. The expense was picked up by the account_sync
feature on the 14th of January.

We would like to deduct the fee in our 2001 tax return, but
I am unable to change the transaction date.

The check is dated 12/31/01 if that matters.

Thanks for the help.
Jason Taft wrote:
> I am unable to change the transaction date.
As you found out, you can't change the date on a transaction which is
imported by AccountSync. In this case you can delete the transaction
and then reenter it on 12/31/01.
Alternatively, you could create a Suspense account and use that
account to record when checks are written, then do an account transfer
between your brokerage account and the Suspense account when a check
is cashed. This has an advantage in that your brokerage account is
always 100% in balance.
Paul Moeller
bivio Inc.