broker has merged: how best to handle this?
Webstreet merged (was bought by) E*Trade. How do I best handle this? My options, as I see it, are:
1. Change the Bivio account name from Webstreet to Etrade. This is easiest, but the broker transaction records show that securities and cash were transfered as opposed to just a change in the name of the company.
2. Enter a new Bivio account with the name of E*Trade, then transfer everything over. This maintains historical accuracy, but I don't see how to transfer the securities without selling/buying (which didn't happen).
Mark Hamilton
Partners Investment Club
You are correct that bivio doesn't have a function to transfer stock - since transfers have no accounting or tax impact, bivio doesn't keep track of stocks by account. When you sell the stock, you'll just select the
new E*Trade account as the destination for the cash. If you want to create an entry for the stock transfer, I suggest you enter a $0 transfer and list the stocks in the remarks section.