divident re-investment
Our dividend reinvestments considered a taxable event? I
assume any cash-in-lieu is taxable, but is the part
re-invested taxable? Hopefully the tax software on this
site has the answer and I don't have to think about it!

Yes, dividend reinvestments are taxable events. You should
consider a dividend reinvestment as two transactions. First
you receive a cash dividend. This will be reported to you
(or the club) on a 1099-DIV at the end of the year. Then,
instead of taking possession of the cash, you bought
additional shares of the same company. This increases your
cost basis.
If you enter the transaction correctly, bivio and the tax
software will handle all the rest.

Ira Smilovitz
Lakshmi Investments, LLC

Elizabeth Darling wrote:
> Our dividend reinvestments considered a taxable event? I
> assume any cash-in-lieu is taxable, but is the part
> re-invested taxable? Hopefully the tax software on this
> site has the answer and I don't have to think about it!