when will the 2001 tax program be available?
Tracy A. Faralisz wrote:
> when will the 2001 tax program be available?

I don't believe anyone can give you a definite answer. The
problem lies with the IRS which has not released the final
version of Form 1065 and the attached schedules.

While I am not affiliated with bivio, I am reasonably
certain that the "guts" of the software is ready to go, but
until they know what the final forms look like, and that
there are no last minute tax changes (some are pending),
they can't release it.

FWIW, if your club operates on a calendar year basis, you
don't have to file your Form 1065, nor distribute Schedule
K-1s to your members, until April 15. (Yes, the same day as
the individual's 1040 is due.) While we all would like to
get our club responsibilities out of the way as soon as
possible, sometimes it just isn't possible.

Ira Smilovitz
Lakshmi Investments, LLC
Tracy A. Faralisz writes:
> when will the 2001 tax program be available?

Still waiting on the IRS. Probably in a week and a half.

See prior post for more details.
