Will Bivio be around in 2003?
After talking with other members, we have a sew questions.
This is the main question we have.
Will Bivio be around in 2003?
Also some others were.

Will the price of $59.00 for 2002 be only $59.00 with no
increases or additional charges, like for the Tax Forms?

If a club wishes to leave Bivio will they be given a
prorated refund?

Will the 2002 tax form be available to a club that does not
wish to renew for 2003?

I sorry but the way this price thing was done by Bivio has
caused us to have doubts about the people behind it.

If they had come out and said that they needed to charge for
the site in 2002 that would have been fine, but only charge
for 2002, not 2001. If they had let all the clubs finish
out 2001, including the taxes at no charge, we would have
not been upset. I personally feel that I have been lied to
by Bivio when it comes to this subject. Until that email I
had nothing but praise for Bivio and why not, it is a great
service and it was FREE. What was there to dislike.

Jerry Runels