Free was nice
Well here Is what I posted on the Motley Bivio
board I just thought I would share with the clubs here on

Rob Nagler,
Well I had time to cool down some, It was a tough week to
start with all the bad news on TV and Bills Keep coming in
my mailbox. I wish someday I go to pick up my mail and
"vola" a $100.000.00 check payable to me would that be nice
ha! ha! Without red ink stamp across "Do not Cash"
Well let's start with I'm happy with the Bivio sight and
what it has to offer were a 3 year old Investment club not
making any money at this time you could say were in the red
zone. But yes were long term I just hope my mind and body
will be here to enjoy some of the money that we make in the
long term.
The service you offer are good and I hope you have good
intentions in the future of your business. You would not be
offering this if it was wasted time and I'm fine with that,
were all in the same world trying to aquire some wealth to
live better, support our families. But take in mind not all
of us have the extra money but will have to change their
life maybe cut down on their entertainment instead of taking
the family out every sunday after church now every other
sunday and for other it might be not that bad and others
well you know where I'm going with this.
Our club is going to dig deep in our pockets and remain with
you at Bivio.

For all the other clubs go to Bivio Club Cafe and there is
some great messages to read there about the changes and I
feel we are still getting a fair shake compare to the
others. But always keep your eyes open and learn from this,
there might be someone else that will offer free service but
for how long? try to get them to tell you or better yet put
it in black and white make a commitment.

P.S. If you do find a great deal please share it with the
other. But be sure to compare quality

Have a good Day and GOD BLESS!

Our Club name is: Dollars and Sense Investment Group

Dale Belliveau