club_cafe: Re: Upcoming bivio changes
I am the treasurer of an investment club and I agree with you 100%.Our club has used Bivio since  it's inception in 6/2000 and we are greatly satisfied with the product.No other product  on the market comes close to the service that Bivio provides.
If  Bivio had raised the price to more than $59 we would  still remain with them.We have been using 'accountsync' for almost a year now and it sure makes my life as treasurer extremely easy I wouldn't give it up for anything.Our club is also a member of NAIC but the bivio accounting program is the better one ,no ifs or buts. Bivio please continue the great work . We are with you all the way and yes we are happy to pay for the service.                                                                                                        
                                 Cherry Blossom Investment Club of Queens New York