Import capability for NCA Club Accounting Ver. 2
Currently it appears Bivio only supports the older NCA Club
Accounting Version which imports using the *.dat formatted
file. The newer version of NCA Club Accounting software
Ver. 2.1.0 only exports into the *.icd format. When will
Bivio have the capability to import this newer format for
clubs who have upgraded to the newer version?

Bernie Gordon
GEE Investment Group, Ltd.
Bernard M. Gordon, Jr. writes:
> Ver. 2.1.0 only exports into the *.icd format. When will
> Bivio have the capability to import this newer format for
> clubs who have upgraded to the newer version?

bivio cannot decrypt NCA 2.0 files. The NAIC has chosen to prevent
you from using bivio by encrypting their "export" format. Note
that once you switch to NCA 2.0, you will not be able to change
to any other competing accounting product including bivio.

We have tried to get the NAIC and EasyWare to adopt an open export
format like the one we use at bivio, which is based on an industry
standard, XML. Unfortunately, our efforts have been fruitless.

Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.