On-Line Trade Broker
Which on-line brocker do you suggest to buy stock through?
Are there any with cheaper commissions, or better service
I personally use Datek and love them for my personal account. I also use
Quick & Reilly and E*Trade for two club accounts. Of these, I favor Datek
for its easy to navigate web site, though I don't think they have club
friendly account fees.

You will want to check out the ability to transfer shares out of the account
to other brokers, and it might be easiest if all your partners were to have
an account with the partnership's broker to facilitate stock transfers at
some later date.

Send the brokers an e-mail with your questions and see which respond timely
and with the best answers. There are a number of issues to consider besides
cost. We use E*Trade and Q&R for two clubs because they each require a
separate password to trade. This allows all our partners access to the
club's account data but insures that there's audit and control from the
perspective of managing the assets.

John Munn

> Which on-line brocker do you suggest to buy stock through?
> Are there any with cheaper commissions, or better service
> etc?
Let me put in a good word for BuyandHold.Com -- check it out! And
their fees are VERY club-friendly.
--Lindy Robertson

John R. Munn wrote:

>I personally use Datek and love them for my personal account. I also use
>Quick & Reilly and E*Trade for two club accounts. Of these, I favor Datek
>for its easy to navigate web site, though I don't think they have club
>friendly account fees.
>>Which on-line brocker do you suggest to buy stock through?
>>Are there any with cheaper commissions, or better service
Our club uses MyDiscountBroker, we haven't had any problems with them at all. I
can get a hold of someone on the phone in about 4-5 min. And they don't require
a minimum to open an account, which can be a big deal to clubs just starting.
They also offer the ability to set "permissions" on your account, so you can
choose who can view the portfolio and who can trade.


"John R. Munn" wrote:

> I personally use Datek and love them for my personal account. I also use
> Quick & Reilly and E*Trade for two club accounts. Of these, I favor Datek
> for its easy to navigate web site, though I don't think they have club
> friendly account fees.
> You will want to check out the ability to transfer shares out of the account
> to other brokers, and it might be easiest if all your partners were to have
> an account with the partnership's broker to facilitate stock transfers at
> some later date.
> Send the brokers an e-mail with your questions and see which respond timely
> and with the best answers. There are a number of issues to consider besides
> cost. We use E*Trade and Q&R for two clubs because they each require a
> separate password to trade. This allows all our partners access to the
> club's account data but insures that there's audit and control from the
> perspective of managing the assets.
> John Munn
> > Which on-line brocker do you suggest to buy stock through?
> > Are there any with cheaper commissions, or better service
> > etc?

Tim Chatterton

Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours.