Naic Club Accounting 2.0
When will we be able to import our version 2.0 .icd data files into bivio? is accepting the import in .icd form. Yes, I know that iclub and naic have a working relationship, whereas naic and bivio do not. Regardless, our club is used to communicating through bivio, and I am used to working offline and importing the data to bivio, and we really don't wish to change the way that seems to successfully work for us.
Can you please give an indication when you will have figured out the file structure and can begin importing the .icd files?
Cindy Brady
Gotrocks Girls Investment Club
Cindy Brady wrote:
> When will we be able to import our version 2.0 .icd data files into bivio?
Unfortunately, this is a legal issue, not a technical one. We have been threatened with a lawsuit should we attempt to import .icd files into bivio.
The NAIC has chosen to prevent you from using bivio by encrypting their "export" format. Note that once you switch to NCA 2.0, you will not be able to change to any other competing accounting product including bivio.
We have tried to get the NAIC and EasyWare to adopt an open export format like the one we use at bivio, which is based on an industry standard, XML. Unfortunately, our efforts have been fruitless.
I for one am not renewing my NAIC membership because of this issue. To not allow any competition to the NCA software is ridiculous, if the software is so good then it shouldn't matter who it is up against. I am in the
process of sending NAIC a letter expressing my concerns and thoughts over the apparent lack of concern for their members. And truthfully what do I get out of my membership besides a magazine and an organization that is
trying to create a monopoly out of their software package *COUmicrosoftGH*. So I will stage my own little protest and it would be great if other clubs were to question this as well.

NCA software is very antiquated and isn't accurate on a lot of accounting issues. Bivio is easy to use, accurate, and the members of my club love it! The only other suggestion would be to add a calendar to Bivio, *hint,

Tim Chatterton

Robert Nagler wrote:

> Cindy Brady wrote:
> > When will we be able to import our version 2.0 .icd data files into bivio?
> Unfortunately, this is a legal issue, not a technical one. We have been threatened with a lawsuit should we attempt to import .icd files into bivio.
> The NAIC has chosen to prevent you from using bivio by encrypting their "export" format. Note that once you switch to NCA 2.0, you will not be able to change to any other competing accounting product including bivio.
> We have tried to get the NAIC and EasyWare to adopt an open export format like the one we use at bivio, which is based on an industry standard, XML. Unfortunately, our efforts have been fruitless.
> Rob

Tim Chatterton

A morning without coffee is like something without something else.
Tim wrote he wasn't renewing his NAIC membership due to personal objections
over their obvious conflict of interest between serving their members versus
their vested financial interests. I agree with his convictions and would
participate; however, I will remain a "member" of NAIC for our club to take
advantage of NAIC's bonding insurance. Does anyone know of an alternate
source for this service?

John Munn
Maybe the other way to handle this import/export issue is for bivio to include .dat files as an export option. That way we would be able to enter our transactions in bivio and then sych with the offline copy of NAIC 2.0, rather than the other way around.
It seems a shame that lawyers have to get involved. This feels like restraint of trade with the club treasurers being the ones who are suffering......
I have requested a return authorization and refund for our club copy of 2.0. It is not an improvement over the version 1 family of NAIC software, and certainly does not include any new features rather than the most rudimentary graphs. I would much rather be able to export my data and graph it myself in something like Excel.
This morning I uploaded their new/improved NAIC 2.1, and all this update does is allow you to export the .icd file to diskette. Seems like their old backup utility to me, and that they just forgot to include it in version 2.0.
I regret that the club chose to upgrade the NAIC software - it was a mistake.
Cindy Brady
Gotrocks Girls
Timothy Chatterton wrote:
> I for one am not renewing my NAIC membership because of this issue. To not allow any competition to the NCA software is ridiculous, if the software is so good then it shouldn't matter who it is up against. I am in the
> process of sending NAIC a letter expressing my concerns and thoughts over the apparent lack of concern for their members. And truthfully what do I get out of my membership besides a magazine and an organization that is
> trying to create a monopoly out of their software package *COUmicrosoftGH*. So I will stage my own little protest and it would be great if other clubs were to question this as well.
> NCA software is very antiquated and isn't accurate on a lot of accounting issues. Bivio is easy to use, accurate, and the members of my club love it! The only other suggestion would be to add a calendar to Bivio, *hint,
> hint*.
> Tim Chatterton
> Robert Nagler wrote:
> > Cindy Brady wrote:
> > > When will we be able to import our version 2.0 .icd data files into bivio?
> >
> > Unfortunately, this is a legal issue, not a technical one. We have been threatened with a lawsuit should we attempt to import .icd files into bivio.
> >
> > The NAIC has chosen to prevent you from using bivio by encrypting their "export" format. Note that once you switch to NCA 2.0, you will not be able to change to any other competing accounting product including bivio.
> >
> > We have tried to get the NAIC and EasyWare to adopt an open export format like the one we use at bivio, which is based on an industry standard, XML. Unfortunately, our efforts have been fruitless.
> >
> > Rob
> --
> Tim Chatterton
> --
> A morning without coffee is like something without something else.
Cindy Brady wrote:
> Maybe the other way to handle this import/export issue is
> for bivio to include .dat files as an export option.
Unfortunately, this isn't really an option. bivio supports many more transaction types and features than the NCA 1.0 format can handle. For example, we support multiple accounts, charitable contributions, expense categories, equal allocation of expenses, and so on. We couldn't make a ncadata.dat file without losing important data.