AWE exchange for AT & T shares
Our club uses NAIC Accounting and Bivio as parallel
programs. I entered the AWE exchange as a merger in both
programs and got different numbers. How do I decide which
one is right? I entered the same data in both programs.

Janet Bergman
Hi Janet,

This should not be taken as a criticism, merely an explanation of how
the various support forums at bivio work. club_cafe is an open forum in
which users can exchange opinions, views, comments, gripes, whatever.
Support@bivio is the place to go if you have a specific question about
the workings of the bivio program. trez_talk@bivio is the place to go
for an accounting or tax question. In your case, either trez_talk or
support would have been a better choice, since club_cafe members would
be hard pressed, as I am, to answer without access to the data.

Now as to your specific question. I can't really respond without being
able to see exactly what happened. The two programs should behave in a
similar fashion. If you want to export your NCA data file[ncadata.dat]
and send it to me at, I will be glad to take a look at it,
and try to explain why the two programs differ.

Thanks for using bivio.

Rip West
Ridgway, CO