Investment Club By-Laws
Is there anybody out there that can email me a copy of their
club by laws? I am starting up a club and i dont have a
Bobby Arnaud wrote:
> Is there anybody out there that can email me a copy of their
> club by laws? I am starting up a club and i dont have a
> clue.

    Look in the NAIC Investors Manual. There is a sample of
    the by-laws that you can adapt to suit your own club.
    We found that very helpful when we started our club.
Bobby Arnaud wrote:
> Is there anybody out there that can email me a copy of their
> club by laws? I am starting up a club and i dont have a
> clue.

The NAIC has a sample partnership agreement online at:

William Best wrote:
> Bobby Arnaud wrote:
> > Is there anybody out there that can email me a copy of their
> > club by laws? I am starting up a club and i dont have a
> > clue.

Ours use portions of the NAIC example, as well as other
examples, and can be seen at:
Bobby Arnaud wrote:
> Is there anybody out there that can email me a copy of their
> club by laws? I am starting up a club and i dont have a
> clue.

Here is another web site that has seperate by-laws and
partnership agreement: