Members share email address
How I sign in two peaple on the same e-mail address. We have several married couples, each with thier own account but they use the same e-mail address at home.
Thanks again for the site and the help
Paul wrote:
> How I sign in two peaple on the same e-mail address.
Online members must have unique email addresses. There are two alternatives for members who share email addresses.
Ask the members to get a free email account at one of the major sites (hotmail, yahoo, etc.). This will allow the user to register with bivio. Having separate mail addresses has advantages for the other members, since they can distinguish between the two people in the "From" line of mail messages to the club.
Only bring one of the members online. The members who share emails can also share the bivio User ID of the online member. Both members are in the books (one online, the other offline). Typically, members which share an email address also share the same computer. Sharing the same bivio User ID is therefore convenient.
Hope that helps.