Entering Fidelity mutual fund in Bivio?
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Entering Fidelity mutual fund in Bivio? We have some of our cash invested in FRBXX. When I go to enter it (as I would with a stock) the ticker is not found in Bivio. I've searched the boards and Help and am not finding guidance on tracking a mutual fund holding in Bivio. Do I just record the income as money market dividend? Can someone help? Thank you! Alicia Steel Magnolias Investment Club If I remember correctly, when our club bought something similar, it showed up automatically with the Accountsync. I don't remember that I had to enter it. Stock mutual funds can be tracked in bivio just like stocks. If you're having a problem, send a message to support@bivio.com. They can tell you if there is anything unusual about this particular fund. Ira Smilovitz We have some of our cash invested in FRBXX. When I go to Thank you! I will reach out to Bivio support. Here is what I did per Bivio: Hi Allicia, Yes, your club's investment in the FRBXX money market fund needs to be entered in bivio as an unlisted investment. Money market funds are not a category of investments that are included in bivio's investment pricing database. When you set up the unlisted investment there are three investment category choices: "Stock," "Mutual Fund", and "Bond, Money Market or Other." Select "Bond, Money Market or Other." When you are reconciling to your year-end broker statements this will make a difference in how dividends and any sales of FRBXX are shown on your bivio 1099 INT_DIV and bivio 1099-B Review reports. To enter a Money Market dividend, click Accounting>Accounts and select the yellow Money Market Dividend button. You need to update the pricing manually every time you make an accounting entry that requires a valuation such as a member payment or withdrawal or an expense allocated "per partnership exception". Your investments may not need daily price updates, but some other investments do, so clubs are prompted each day to update the prices. Here are the steps for updating the price of your club's unlisted investments: https://www.bivio.com/site-help/bp/Value_Unlisted_Investments_Help Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any further questions by replying to this email. Thank you for using bivio! |