Capital Loss/Gain report
We sold all our lots of GW Pharmaceuticals. When I placed
the transaction I didn't realize they were being acquired by
Jazz. (not sure if that plays in this or not) Our total
Capital Gains/Loss do not match with Bivio & TD Ameritrade.
I don't know why. But when I Click on the actual transaction
in the Ledger, the amounts Bivio shows for each lot match
what TD Ameritrade shows. Yet total doesn't. There is a
$19.20 difference. So confused, any thoughts?

The gain/loss will depend on whether you sold shares before or after the merger with JAZZ. The merger was also taxable so if you sold after, you will have a taxable gain/loss from the merger and then another one from the sale of the JAZZ shares you received and then sold.

If you download and send a "Realized gain/loss" report from your broker showing each lot of each stock sold, its cost basis, number of shares and purchase date to, we can help you get your correct entries made.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 9:19 AM MARGARET DISTLER via <user*> wrote:
We sold all our lots of GW Pharmaceuticals. When I placed
the transaction I didn't realize they were being acquired by
Jazz. (not sure if that plays in this or not) Our total
Capital Gains/Loss do not match with Bivio & TD Ameritrade.
I don't know why. But when I Click on the actual transaction
in the Ledger, the amounts Bivio shows for each lot match
what TD Ameritrade shows. Yet total doesn't. There is a
$19.20 difference. So confused, any thoughts?