Bivio Subscription Reimbursement - Allocation
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Bivio Subscription Reimbursement - Allocation Club's first year and I paid for our annual subscription with my personal credit card and I was reimbursed with club units. Because I paid the entire expense, do I allocate this entire expense to me or does it get allocated proportionally? Any help much appreciated, thanks! For once I think I know the answer. It seems obvious to me that you have made an extra payment in club dues. The valuation date should be the date you made the payment. Club's first year and I paid for our annual subscription with my personal credit card and I was reimbursed with club units. Because I paid the entire expense, do I allocate this entire expense to me or does it get allocated proportionally? Any help much appreciated, thanks! Thanks Mark, I used the valuation date as the date of payment. I think I understand now - I paid the subscription as a "middle man" on behalf of the club and got reimbursed in units. Since, the subscription is a qualified club expense it should then be allocated proportionally to all members. |