Dividend Linking to Securities

Does anyone know, how to link the Dividend Receied from the broker for a particular Securities to be linked to Securities in Bivio club account. We genarate reports and monitor the dividend receivied from the broker asign them to Security and generate reports to moniter, how much dividend we get from a class of Investments. I see the Divended transaction contains the Security Information from the ETRADE. Appreciate any response.


If dividends are entered by AccountSync, they will automatically be entered under the investment that paid them. You can see the entries if you go to Accounting>Investments and click on the name of an investment.

If you do not use AccountSync, dividends are easily entered using the Income button on the Accounting>Investments page. When you make the entry you will be asked to identify the stock that paid it.

You should not enter stock dividends using the "Dividend" button on the Accounting>Accounts page. That is for Money market dividends only.

If you have specific questions about specific entries for your club, send them to and we can help you from there.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 6:45 PM Raju via <user*> wrote:

Does anyone know, how to link the Dividend Receied from the broker for a particular Securities to be linked to Securities in Bivio club account. We genarate reports and monitor the dividend receivied from the broker asign them to Security and generate reports to moniter, how much dividend we get from a class of Investments. I see the Divended transaction contains the Security Information from the ETRADE. Appreciate any response.