Revised partnership agreement
If we use the sample agreement, do we use the original date of partnership, or the date we start with the revision? Or effective as of revision date, revision 1 (if we haven’t revised before). Thanks for your help

Mary Fran Novak
Frisky Business Investment Club

If you replace your entire partnership agreement you should probably have wording like this at the top of it:

"This agreement is effective as of (date) and supersedes any previous agreement by and between the undersigned"

Or, you could just attach amendment pages to your current agreement with the changes to specific paragraphs detailed. At the top of such pages, it could say "As of (date), paragraph (paragraph number) has been amended to read ......

And have each club member sign the amended page to show their acceptance of the changes.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 5:11 PM Mary Fran Novak via <user*> wrote:
If we use the sample agreement, do we use the original date of partnership, or the date we start with the revision? Or effective as of revision date, revision 1 (if we haven't revised before). Thanks for your help

Mary Fran Novak
Frisky Business Investment Club