TD Ameritrade
Our club has started the sync with TDA with no real problem.
But now we are getting dividends posted but they are not
showing who they are from. The drop down options to
manually enter the info don't list dividends as a source nor
do I know which company they came from. Shouldn't the
transaction list the source automatically?
TD Ameritrade said we will be notified within a week of where the dividends are from.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 9:43 PM Robert Davenport via <user*> wrote:
Our club has started the sync with TDA with no real problem.
But now we are getting dividends posted but they are not
showing who they are from. The drop down options to
manually enter the info don't list dividends as a source nor
do I know which company they came from. Shouldn't the
transaction list the source automatically?
If you've been receiving the dividend for a while you can
look back at transactrions for a very similar amount and
date. At least an idea of where it's from. I was able to
adjust the transaction dates in Ameritrade and saw the same
date and amount.
What appears to be happening is that the dividends are still being paid into
our Scottrade accounts. What you are seeing in TD Ameritrade (and bivio's
account sync) are the sweeps of cash from Scottrade into TD Ameritrade.
Since we no longer have any visibility into our Scottrade accounts, we can't
tell for certain just what these transfers represent. However, it is a good
guess that they are dividend payments.

One way to try and confirm that they are dividends is to use the dividend
calendar in TD Ameritrade. Once you are logged in, go to the My Account:
Overview page. That should be the 1st page you see when logging in. Then
scroll down to just below the "Market Snapshot" section and click on the
Calendar tab (News, Watch Lists, Calendar); click on the Dividends link;
select your club positions from the drop down list; and then go back through
the February dividend payments on the calendar and click on each one. To
the right you will see a list of the stocks in your portfolio that were
paying dividends with that ex-dividend date. Just multiply the dividend
amount shown by the number of shares held. If that amount matches one of
the cash transfers that occurred on the Payment date, then you can be fairly
certain that that transfer was for a dividend payment. For instance, if I
click on 06-Feb, I see a scheduled dividend payment for INTC in the amount
of $0.30 per share with a payment date of 01-Mar-2018. When I multiply the
$0.30 by the number of shares held, I find an account transfer on
01-Mar-2018 for that exact amount. Thus I am pretty certain that this was
our INTC dividend payment, but I need to verify it against my March 2018
Scottrade statement.

I recommend that you do NOT enter these as a dividends in your TD Ameritrade
account (within bivio). Enter the dividend into your Scottrade account
(within bivio). For the transfer transaction that account sync added,
identify it as a transfer from Scottrade to TD Ameritrade and add a comment
to indicate that it was for a dividend payment. Entering the dividends into
the Scottrade account and then leaving the transfer transaction (Scottrade
to TD Ameritrade) in place will help make your statement verification at the
end of the month much easier. We should be receiving statements from
Scottrade for February and March at least, though I am not sure where they
will show up. Hopefully they will be added to the TD Ameritrade website.

Rich Hill
Book Readers Investment Group

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Susan J
Mueller via
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 11:01 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Re: TD Ameritrade

If you've been receiving the dividend for a while you can look back at
transactrions for a very similar amount and date. At least an idea of where
it's from. I was able to adjust the transaction dates in Ameritrade and saw
the same date and amount.
All Scottrade statements are available at TDAmeritrade portal.

Deep Shikha
URSA investors

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 6:30 AM, Rich Hill via <user*> wrote:
What appears to be happening is that the dividends are still being paid into
our Scottrade accounts. What you are seeing in TD Ameritrade (and bivio's
account sync) are the sweeps of cash from Scottrade into TD Ameritrade.
Since we no longer have any visibility into our Scottrade accounts, we can't
tell for certain just what these transfers represent. However, it is a good
guess that they are dividend payments.

One way to try and confirm that they are dividends is to use the dividend
calendar in TD Ameritrade. Once you are logged in, go to the My Account:
Overview page. That should be the 1st page you see when logging in. Then
scroll down to just below the "Market Snapshot" section and click on the
Calendar tab (News, Watch Lists, Calendar); click on the Dividends link;
select your club positions from the drop down list; and then go back through
the February dividend payments on the calendar and click on each one. To
the right you will see a list of the stocks in your portfolio that were
paying dividends with that ex-dividend date. Just multiply the dividend
amount shown by the number of shares held. If that amount matches one of
the cash transfers that occurred on the Payment date, then you can be fairly
certain that that transfer was for a dividend payment. For instance, if I
click on 06-Feb, I see a scheduled dividend payment for INTC in the amount
of $0.30 per share with a payment date of 01-Mar-2018. When I multiply the
$0.30 by the number of shares held, I find an account transfer on
01-Mar-2018 for that exact amount. Thus I am pretty certain that this was
our INTC dividend payment, but I need to verify it against my March 2018
Scottrade statement.

I recommend that you do NOT enter these as a dividends in your TD Ameritrade
account (within bivio). Enter the dividend into your Scottrade account
(within bivio). For the transfer transaction that account sync added,
identify it as a transfer from Scottrade to TD Ameritrade and add a comment
to indicate that it was for a dividend payment. Entering the dividends into
the Scottrade account and then leaving the transfer transaction (Scottrade
to TD Ameritrade) in place will help make your statement verification at the
end of the month much easier. We should be receiving statements from
Scottrade for February and March at least, though I am not sure where they
will show up. Hopefully they will be added to the TD Ameritrade website.

Rich Hill
Book Readers Investment Group

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Susan J
Mueller via
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 11:01 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Re: TD Ameritrade

If you've been receiving the dividend for a while you can look back at
transactrions for a very similar amount and date. At least an idea of where
it's from. I was able to adjust the transaction dates in Ameritrade and saw
the same date and amount.

I find the best solution, once I identified the dividends, was to enter the
dividends in TD Ameritrade and delete the previous unidentified transaction
so as to not double count the payment. This results in the Bivio and TD
Ameritrade cash balances to be in agreement.
Ira Haas
Yankee Model Club

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Rich
Hill via
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 7:31 AM
Subject: RE: [club_cafe] Re: TD Ameritrade

What appears to be happening is that the dividends are still being paid into
our Scottrade accounts. What you are seeing in TD Ameritrade (and bivio's
account sync) are the sweeps of cash from Scottrade into TD Ameritrade.
Since we no longer have any visibility into our Scottrade accounts, we can't
tell for certain just what these transfers represent. However, it is a good
guess that they are dividend payments.

One way to try and confirm that they are dividends is to use the dividend
calendar in TD Ameritrade. Once you are logged in, go to the My Account:
Overview page. That should be the 1st page you see when logging in. Then
scroll down to just below the "Market Snapshot" section and click on the
Calendar tab (News, Watch Lists, Calendar); click on the Dividends link;
select your club positions from the drop down list; and then go back through
the February dividend payments on the calendar and click on each one. To
the right you will see a list of the stocks in your portfolio that were
paying dividends with that ex-dividend date. Just multiply the dividend
amount shown by the number of shares held. If that amount matches one of
the cash transfers that occurred on the Payment date, then you can be fairly
certain that that transfer was for a dividend payment. For instance, if I
click on 06-Feb, I see a scheduled dividend payment for INTC in the amount
of $0.30 per share with a payment date of 01-Mar-2018. When I multiply the
$0.30 by the number of shares held, I find an account transfer on
01-Mar-2018 for that exact amount. Thus I am pretty certain that this was
our INTC dividend payment, but I need to verify it against my March 2018
Scottrade statement.

I recommend that you do NOT enter these as a dividends in your TD Ameritrade
account (within bivio). Enter the dividend into your Scottrade account
(within bivio). For the transfer transaction that account sync added,
identify it as a transfer from Scottrade to TD Ameritrade and add a comment
to indicate that it was for a dividend payment. Entering the dividends into
the Scottrade account and then leaving the transfer transaction (Scottrade
to TD Ameritrade) in place will help make your statement verification at the
end of the month much easier. We should be receiving statements from
Scottrade for February and March at least, though I am not sure where they
will show up. Hopefully they will be added to the TD Ameritrade website.

Rich Hill
Book Readers Investment Group

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Susan J
Mueller via
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 11:01 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Re: TD Ameritrade

If you've been receiving the dividend for a while you can look back at
transactrions for a very similar amount and date. At least an idea of where
it's from. I was able to adjust the transaction dates in Ameritrade and saw
the same date and amount.