Scottrade and Member Deposits
I'm the treasurer of Len Douglass' other club.  I don't have issues with the problems you listed.  The 1099 came in plenty of time to get the taxes mailed before the deadline.  

The 60 day hold wasn't a big deal once I got it thru my head that since we have about the same amount going every month it isn't really difficult to calculate how much we have available to invest any given month.  

As far as the club inertia, when I took on the treasurer position I handled the transition from a brokerage + a credit union acct to just the Folio acct.  The transition was a bit tedious, but our club is on board with anything making the treasurer's job easier being a good thing.

The few minor problems we've had, Folio has been very helpful and responsive.  

Good luck!
Kim Potter
BI Brighton Model Investment Club

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Irina Clements <>
Date: 3/22/17 1:58 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Scottrade and Member Deposits

1) Club inertia on moving
2) the issues regarding length of float from deposits 60 days-(30 days longer than industry standard )
3) the 30 day delay in 1099 delivery to March 15.

To me, Numbers 2&3 above are prohibitive in recommending any club use folio.  (Or any individuals either)

I never got any satisfactory answer from my queries to BI (regarding the issues surfaced by you Len and Larry).


Be Well. Irina Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 22, 2017, at 1:39 PM, Len Douglass <> wrote:
> Why would you consider Scottrade or any of the commission collecting brokers
> when Folio Investing will give an unlimited Commission free account to any
> BetterInvesting dues paying investment club that has at least four
> BetterInvesting members?  Complete with checkbook.
> From the BI website, " BetterInvesting and Folio Investing's program for
> investment clubs helps them save money on one of their biggest expenses:
> brokerage commissions. Clubs that are eligible and that open an account at
> Folio Investing will have the Folio Investing Unlimited Plan annual fee -
> which includes commission-free, unlimited window trading - waived. That's a
> $290 value. Clubs that have paid their annual club dues and have at least
> four members of BetterInvesting are eligible."
> My home club [which disbanded in 2011] used Scottrade as a brokerage from
> 2003 until it disbanded so I am very familiar with them.  I continue to have
> a personal account with Scottrade.  I belong to two Model Investment Clubs
> and both have accounts with Folio Investing.  The one I am treasurer of
> moved from TD Ameritrade to Folio several years ago, so I am also familiar
> with TD Ameritrade.  The commission free trades are "windows trades" not
> Market Orders.  They execute at 11AM and 2PM each trading day.  I believe
> Market and Limit orders are available for a fee but why would an Investment
> club need them [ check the Folio website for more detail]?  Folio also gives
> us Free checking [with a checkbook] so we don't have a separate checking
> account.
> On the subject of deposits, some of my club members make EFT payments
> directly to our account at Folio.  Some of them are still in the paper world
> and submit paper checks Made out to Folio Investing at the Model Club
> meeting.  I accept them and prepare a transmittal document listing the
> payer, the amount, and the check number then I mail that to Folio once a
> month.  Folio will also accept checks mailed directly to them but I have no
> experience with that.  I started tracking the check numbers because of a
> problem with TD Ameritrade several years ago where they credited two checks
> intended for the club account to the members personal TD Ameritrade account.
> You can see a lot of the detail of our Model Investment Club operation with
> the link from the Lower Right Corner of the Login page of the Bivio Website.
> As I write this our club SE-Michigan Model Club is the first one in the list
> [Grin]!  But they rotate so if it isn't click on the "more clubs" to see the
> alphabetical list, we are toward the bottom of page 5 of the list.
> Regards,
> Len Douglass Financial Partner, SEMICH NAIC Model Club
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Irina
> Clements
> Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 12:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Scottrade and Member Deposits
> I am treasurer for two clubs.  Personal club uses Etrade.  Model investment
> club uses Scottrade.  I find it quite tedious to use Scottrade when Etrade
> (which I have direct experience with) is a better alternative.  We can talk
> off line. Specific answers.
> 1) We can snail mail/bill pay checks to local Scottrade office.  Checks are
> input as received, not limited to one deposit per month.  Both snail mail
> and bill pay allowed.  No issue.
> a) one time Scottrade office incorrectly characterized Deposit on their end.
> I called and the office was responsive and helpful.
> 2) no experience with stop payments.
> 3) Entire check writing experience with Scottrade quite tedious.  No
> possibility to get checkbook.  Requirement for office visit and two
> signatures on form to get a check so 19th century.  Never refused or ignored
> check request.
> 4) no threats to cancel account for any reason.
> 5) Process to change signatories was quite painful (beyond the "normally
> painful" I have experienced with Etrade). Scottrade guidance changed.
> Everything went to home office.  Dates expired and new forms & signatures
> had to be done. 
> 6) I would advise a new or transitioning club to skip Scottrade for
> investment clubs.  Period.  Although Scottrade WILL do investment club
> accounts, they seem not to WANT to.
> My .02.  Irina Clements Treasurer MICNOVA AND Streetbeaters
> Be Well. Irina Sent from my iPad
>> On Mar 22, 2017, at 11:48 AM, Linda Glein <> wrote:
>> May I have some feedback on these questions if your partnership has
>> experience with Scottrade:
>> If you collect checks from your members monthly, are you required by
>> Scottrade to make only one deposit per month.
>> Are your partners allowed by Scottrade to make their monthly
>> contributions by either electronic transfer or by using bill pay?
>> Have you ever had a partner issue a Stop Payment on a check sent to
>> Scottrade?
>> Have you ever had a partner, whose payment wasn't received in a timely
>> manner by Scottrade cancel the payment and issue a new payment?
>> Have you ever had Scottrade threaten to cancel your account due to a
>> stop payment?
>> Have you ever had Scottrade overlook a written request to issue a
>> check?
>> Are you aware of a Scottrade policy to cancel your partnership account
>> if more than one stop payment occurs?
>> I'll leave it at that and add more information or clarification as
>> needed after I hear from others.
>> Linda Glein
>> P.S. I'll post these questions on the BI Treasurer Discussion list as
>> well.