Spin off Varex Imaging from Varian Medical
TD Ameritrade statement for Jan 31 shows 40 shares of
VREX from 100 shares of Varian Med with correct cost basis
for both. BIVIO does not show this spin off. Has anyone else
had this question? Is it best to do it manually or will it be
processed in BIVIO later on? Thanks.


Because there is research required to enter reorganizations such as this correctly, the updates are made on a regular batch basis. This process is probably a little slower than usual as we are at the crux of tax programming time.

The company has not yet released any information on how cost basis should be allocated for this spinoff so we'd have nothing to match to anyway yet.

We're glad to make preliminary entries for you if you email us at If you do so, you'll need to also send whatever your broker is currently showing as the cost basis of each lot of your VAR and VREX shares.

You should also send the amount of any cash in lieu that you received instead of fractional shares you were owed.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 12:40 PM, <> wrote:
TD Ameritrade statement for Jan 31 shows 40 shares of
VREX from 100 shares of Varian Med with correct cost basis
for both. BIVIO does not show this spin off. Has anyone else
had this question? Is it best to do it manually or will it be
processed in BIVIO later on? Thanks.